All members of the Tweed-Byron community have an important role in shaping the planning and design of the new state-of-the-art Tweed Valley Hospital.

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Working Group was established in 2019, to consult and engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members as planning for the new hospital progresses. 

Members of the Group are provided with updates on the progress of the project and review aspects of the Tweed Valley Hospital development that influence the patient, carer, and community experience. 

The overall aim of the Group is to: 

  • Help shape the planning and design of the new Hospital
  • Help ensure the hospital is a welcoming and safe place for people of all cultures
  • Be part of an authentic partnership with the project team.

The Group’s members represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations within the Tweed-Byron region as well as community Elders, stakeholders, and representatives from the Northern NSW Local Health District Aboriginal Health team.

A summary of the latest session is available here.